
Soy AKA Dasokiimo504


General: Art (like drawing and stuff like that), nature.

Music: Literally anything that makes me feel something

Movies: idk honestly.

Animals: all of them. but i have a special place in my heart for birds :>

More about me

I'm Soy , the webmaster of the site you're currently on! I spend a lot of my free time thinking about my friends and exploring the internet
As you can probably tell, english is not my first language, I try my best to not make any mistakes, but some still end up happening, so please don't mind my typos and weird phrasing!
I don't have that many hobbies, but I feel very passionate about the few ones that I have. Art and drawing is one I've been really into since I was a little kid, and always has helped me communicate and let out my feelings. And I've recently been getting into coding, and been thinking about trying out something music related, like the guitar, playing an instrument sounds intimidating to learn, but I dont think that takes away the fun for me. I also enjoy playing videogames, but I'm not sure if that could be considered a hobby, ahah.

fun fact: "Soy" is just a weird way to shorten my internet nickname that I made up randomly a few years ago, and originally did not have that much to do with the food (but I still think the coincidence is funny). It ended up sticking, and now most of my friends call me by that name.

Characters I Relate To