
  • 19.04.2024 - About page !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 14.04.2024 - Blog page now accessible :)
  • 20.03.2024 - homepage is up.... I think..!
  • 19.03.2024 - cats are just so so cool i love them so much i want to pet every single cat i can possibly find i dont cate if it carries 10903092 diseases i will pet them and make them happy

freetempo makes me feel like as if I was in love with something or someone, if that makes any sense!

Hello, everynyan! welcome to my little corner of the internet; A small website made with a purpose to be an archive of my mind, and to honor my appreciation for the early 2000's internet, a time I sadly was not around to experience, because I was born in the later years of that era like an absolute loser. You can find my art here, read about what I like, and some other stuff. I hope you enjoy your stay.
This site probably looks broken on mobile, and works better on a common-sized computer screen (1920x1080p), on Firefox. It's also always in a work in progress state, since I aim to constantly change this website and keep it updated to match what I want it to be at the time... basically what I mean is, it's never gonna look the same forever.

SOY (me)

Internet freak. More about me in the about page. :>


no hotlinking pls. save the image to your computer.